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来源:情诗网    2021-01-14    分类:心情故事

There is no doubt that the country will fall into the dumps of the city. Witches, water, witches, clouds and dreams are also infatuated. Red and pink love sells many fine bones. Jinlanyi cherishes moths'eyebrows.

The gentle countryside is energetic. The mood before the gentle breeze is strange. The village does not know the silence of spring. It staggers on this evening.

On that day, Ximen Qing left the hospital gate. Liang An and Ma went to Li Ping'er's house in Lion Street. When the gate was closed, Zhitang's sedan chair went. Liang An asked Feng's mother to open the door. Ximen Qing came in. Li Ping'er held candles in the hall. He had a neat crown and light clothes. He was looking forward to seeing Ximen Qing coming. He was busy moving lotus steps. Skirt. Welcome to the next step. Smile: "You came earlier. His three mothers and five mothers are still here. Just got up. Today his mother went early. Say you are not at home. There you go."

Xie Zichun and I watched the lamp in the morning. I didn't want to bump into two friends. I didn't want to run into the courtyard again. I'm afraid you're waiting here. When the boy went, teach me to push my hands clean and run through the back door. Otherwise, they would hang up. Don't want to come.

Li Ping-er said, "Thank you for your courtesy at the right time. His mothers refuse to sit down. They just say there is nobody in the family. It's boring to teach slaves."

The woman handed the wine to Simon Qing. She knocked down her head and said, "My husband is dead. I have no relatives. Today, this cup of wine is made up of officials and slaves as masters. It's mainly because of the ugliness of slaves. Slavery is willing to overlap with officials. Bei. Be a sister to all the women. Serve yourself willingly. I don't know what the hearts of officials and people are like.

Said full of tears. Simon Qing took the wine in one hand. He said with one hand, "Please get up. It's loved by you. My Simon Qing is imprinted on my heart. When your filial piety is full, I'm good for myself. I don't bother you. Today is a good day for you. We always eat wine."

Simon Qing finished his meal and returned with a full glass. The woman finished her meal. She sat down. Mother Feng cooked alone. She had to eat noodles. Simon Qing asked, "Those two are singing today."

Li Ping-er said, "Today is Dong Jiao-er. Han Jin-chai's two. In the evening. Send him Sanniang. Five Niang's family went to beg for flowers."

Two of them handed in a cup at the table for a drink. Embroidered spring. Yingchun and Yingchun were pouring wine and serving dishes beside them. Only Liang An came up. He bowed his head with Li Pinger. Li Pinger quickly got up and returned a million blessings. He instructed old Feng Chef Yingchun to watch birthday noodles and refreshments. He took a pot of wine and Liang An to eat. Ximen Qing ordered, "Go home early after eating."

Li Ping-er said, "Come home. Your mother asks. Hugh says your father is here."

Liao An said, "Little one knows. Just say that Daddy stays overnight. Just come to pick him up tomorrow morning."

Simon Qing nodded. At the moment, Li Pinger liked it or not. He said, "Good boy. Talk in your eyes."

Also called Yingchun to take two coins of silver and buy melon seeds with him during the festival: "Tomorrow you take a sample. I will make you a good pair of shoes to wear."

"How dare you be small?" Na Lian nodded her head quickly.

He went down to have a drink and dinner. He took the horse out. Mother Feng closed the door and tied it.

Li Ping-er had a meal with Simon Qing-mei. He also took a set of 32 ivory cards. On the table, he laid sissy red ribbons. Two placards drank. Once he ate, he ordered Yingchun Room to hold candles. The flowers were dead. Yingchun and Xiuchun had been played by Simon Qing. So he could not avoid everything. He was taught to make beds and take fruit boxes of wine. In the purple brocade tent on the bed, the woman shows her pink figure. Simon Qingxiang is shoulder to shoulder. Jade bodies are side by side. Two cards are seen. The Canadian clock drinks. Because she asks Simon Qing, "When will the house over there be tidied up?"

Ximen Qingdao said, "Let's start construction in February. Even one of your gardens will be opened all over. Get it in line with the gardens over there. Build a mountain shed in front. Build a garden for fun. Build three flower houses behind."

The woman pointed out, "There are thirty or forty pounds of aloes, two hundred pounds of white wax, two jars of mercury and eighty pounds of pepper in the tea box behind the slave bed. You move them out tomorrow. You sell me silver and build a house for me. If you don't dislike slavery and ugliness, you will say to the old lady. Slaves would like to be sisters with the women. Do me as you ask. No matter the number. Kinship. Slavery you.

Said. Tears were falling down. Simon Qing quickly wiped the sweat towel and said, "Your affection. I know all about it. Filial piety is on your side. My house is built over there. Otherwise, marry you. There is no house."

The woman said, "If you go to marry a slave's house, you will be with his five wives tomorrow. He is a good person who can't give up his slave. He is friendly with the three wives of the Meng family behind him. They are not like two sisters. They are not like two sisters. They are only born of one woman. Only his aunt's nature is not good. Quick eyebrows. The eye sweeps.

Simon Qing said, "This humble thorn of my Wu family. He's good-natured. Otherwise, how can these people be tolerated? Tomorrow, this side is the same as that side. Build three floors to live with you. Ann two corner doors to go in and out. What's your heart like?"

The woman said, "My brother, that's what slaves want."

It was two upside-down phoenixes, excessive lust, madness till four o'clock, before going to bed, pillow and shoulder to shoulder, and sleeping until dinner the next day.

The woman did not comb her hair. She brought porridge in the spring. She only accompanied Simon Qing to eat half porridge and wine. The two men ate again. Li Piner was a good horse crawling. He taught Simon Qing to sit on the pillow. He threw flowers upside down and moved. The two were in the beautiful place. He saw Liang An Er outside hitting the door. He rode to pick up the porridge. Simon Qing called him to ask him under the window. "There are three guests from Sichuan and Guangzhou at home. They are sitting at home. There are many fine goods to be exchanged with Uncle Fu. Only one hundred and two silver coins are required for the contract. About mid-August, the silver is found out. The grandmother asks the little one to invite his father to attend to the matter."

Simon Qing said, "You didn't say I was here."

Lian said, "The younger one only says that Dad is at Aunt Gui's house. Not here."

Simon Qing said, "You don't know what happened. The second uncle sent him out. What's wrong with inviting me again?"

Lu An said, "Uncle Fu said. The guest refused. He waited for his father to go. Only then did he approve the contract."

Li Ping-er said, "It's the family that invites children. Business matters. You don't go. It's not surprising that the big lady is upset."

Ximen Qing said, "You don't know. Thieves and slaves are late in the market. Goods can't be exchanged anywhere. Only when they come to the door can they leave people. If they are fast, they will open up. Manqinghe County. Except for my big shop, there are many deliveries. When you ask, you're not afraid that he won't come to me."

The woman said, "Trading is not an enemy to the road. It's just a slave who comes home and sends him back. The days ahead will be like willow leaves."

Simon Qingyu, according to Li Pinger, slowly gets up, combs his hair, cleans his face, wears a net scarf and dresses. Li Pinger tidies up his meal and eats with him. Simon Qing always comes home on horseback with a veil of eyes.

There were four or five guests in the shop. They waited for the balance to be cashed. The contract was approved. They were sent to Pan Jinlian's room. Jinlian asked, "Where did you come yesterday? To tell you the truth? Otherwise, I would shout Dun Deng's."

Simon Qing said, "You are all drinking at the flower house. I walked with them in the lamp market. We went inside to have a drink together. Overnight, the boy picked me up before he came home today."

Golden Lotus said, "I know the boy is going to pick up. There's your soul in the courtyard. Never mind the burglar. You're still fooling me. The prostitute sent us yesterday. She made a fool of us. She called you out at night. It was a night of trouble. Then it came back. It took a long time for the burglar to be imprisoned. It's the same thing for his aunt. He said the same thing to me. First, he came back to Malay home. His mother asked him, "Why don't your father come? Who's drinking at?" He said, "Uncle Fu and everyone came back from the lamp. They all ate at Aunt Li Gui's house in the courtyard. Let me pick them up tomorrow morning."

When I was behind, I called him and asked him. He laughed silently. He was anxious to ask. Then he said, "Daddy is in Lion Street with two wives."

Simon Qing said, "I teach him there."

Only then did Li Ping-er "invite me to go there in the evening. Hand me wine. Say you're empty. Say you're here. Say you're empty. Say you're crying. He's empty. Later half is empty. Later evening is scared. He's determined to teach me how to marry him. Ask me when to clean up the house. He also has some incense goods. It's worth hundreds of dollars. Teach me how to learn. Ji. Send it for him. Silver teaches me to collect it. Build a house together. Build it tightly. He'll live with you. Be a sister with you. I'm afraid you won't.

The woman said, "I don't have many shadows here either. It's always good for Babu to come. I'm empty here too. He's got to be my companion with the old lady. Since ancient times, there's no hindrance to the harbor. There's no hindrance to the traffic. I refuse to hire him. How did that attract me? What's the part of slavery? I'm afraid it's not like slavery. You ask your elder sister. Sister goes.

Simon Qing said, "Even though it's a confession, his filial piety is not full."

After that, the woman and Simon Qing took off the white mantle. Sleeve surfing fell out of an object. Holding a heavy, big marble in her hand. After half a day's recognition, she did not know anything about it. But see: it was originally produced by a military force. Everybody was recommended to turn in Beijing. It was exquisite in a small body. It was lightly borrowed. Rolling around to make cicadas. Releasing the beauty's heart trembles. Can help kidney prestige. Known as the vanguard of Golden Face Yong. The first battle defeat. Famous Mian Ziling.

The woman recognized it for half a day and asked, "What is it? How can it numb half of her arm?"

Simon Qing laughed and said, "You don't know this thing. It's called Mianling. Miandian came from the south. Well, it's worth four or five pieces of silver."

The woman said, "Where is this thing?"

Simon Qing said, "Put him in the oven first. Then act. It's amazing."

The woman said, "You and Li Ping-er are doing the same."

Simon Qing was telling the story of the evening from the beginning. It made Jinlian's heart burst. Two days later, he covered the door. He undressed his clothes and went to bed to have a good time. It was precisely:

I don't know why Zijin was born.

One day, Simon Qing met with his broker. He weighed Li Ping'er's wax and other things. They sold 382 silver pieces. Li Ping'er only left 182 pieces of entanglement. The rest were paid to Simon Qing. He worked together to build a house. He taught Yin and Yang to start work on the eighth day of February. He entrusted everyone with five hundred and two silver pieces. To recruit and be in charge of Ben IV, unloading bricks, bricks and stones, managing accounts. The four cardias are called Cardiac Biography. Young children are full of buoyancy and imagination. Originally, they were born in a diligent family. They were expelled because they did not abide by their duties. At first, they became brothers with others. Then they went to adults and became family members. They turned their grandchildren out to be whole families. However, they were in their old clothes. As a broker, Pipa and Xiaoguan Metropolis. Simon Qing sees his skill. He often takes care of his scales in the pharmacy to beg for money. He can't do anything big or small. On the same day, he called on all the craftsmen to supervise their work. First, he demolished the old house over the florist's side. Open the walls, build the foot of the ground, roll up the shed hills, and play tricks on pavilions and platforms. Where to go. More than one day. Needless to say.

Time flies fast. The sun and the moon shuttle. Simon celebrates to build the garden. About a month, but in the first ten days of March, the flowers are empty. Li Ping-er invites Simon Qing in advance. He plans to burn the flowers in vain: "Sell the house. No. You come to watch. Marry the slaves. Make them the number of slaves you want." Slaves are willing to wait on you to make beds and make beds.

Said the tears like rain. Simon Qing said: "You stop worrying. I also said this to the room and Pan Wujie. Wait until you have finished building the house. Then your filial piety will be full. It's not too late to marry you."Li Ping-er said, "You both marry slaves sincerely. You built the slave house earlier. You married slaves. You live in your house for one day. You are willing to die. You can save slaves to live here like a year."

Simon Qing said, "I see what you said."

Li Ping-er said, "No more. I burned Ling. I moved to Wuniang for two days first. When you built a new house, it was not too late. You came home and Wuniang said, somehow. I waited for your words. It's the tenth day of March. It's his hundred days. I'd like to read about burning Ling."

Simon celebrated his promise and had a night's rest with the woman.

Come home the next day. 1510 said to Pan Jinlian. Jinlian said, "I know it's good. Nuba Bu's Teng two rooms live with him. You also asked Big Sister to go. I don't wash the boat when I fall into the river."

Simon Qing went all the way to Yue Niang's house. Yue Niang was combing her hair. Simon Qing said Li Ping Er was going to marry him from beginning to end. Yue Niang said, "You can't marry him. He's the first one. He's not satisfied with his filial piety clothes. The second one. You were with his man. The third one. You and his wife have joined hands. You bought his house and took him in. There are many things posted. As the saying goes: the machine is not fast shuttle. I can hear people say. Among his family, Huada is an obstinate and shrewd person. If there is some voice at a time, it will make lice scratch on the head. What Nu said is good. Zhao Qiansun Li, you can't follow you.

Ximen Qing, who said a few words, was silent. He walked out of the front hall and sat in his chair and murmured, "It's not good to go back to Li Ping'er, but it's not good to go back." After thinking for half a day, he went into Jinlian's room. Jinlian asked, "What does Big Sister say?"

Simon Qing told Yue Niang's words once. Jin Lian said, "My elder sister said the same thing. You bought his house and married his wife. At the beginning, she made friends with him. She was neither silk nor cun. The diplomats looked at Joe."

Simon Qing said, "That's all right. I'm afraid I'm going to spend a lot of time dancing in circles. I know I'm not satisfied with his filial piety. In the middle, it's muddy. How can I make a living? I can't go back to him now."

Golden Lotus said, "Well, there's something very difficult. You go there and just say,"I come home to Wuniang. There's a lot of medicine piled up upstairs. You guys go there and there's nowhere to stack it. When you're more relaxed, your house has been built seven or eight times. The craftsmen decorated the paint earlier. You'll get full of filial piety clothes here. You'll get married there too. You used to be. But you didn't have enough. It's like moving up the Wuniang Tower. You don't know what it is like to be crowded in one place.

Simon Qing was very happy when he heard what he said. When he waited there, he went to Li Ping'er's house. The woman asked, "What's the story?"

Simon Qing said, "Five Niangs said, once you have finished painting your new house, you will move to it later. Now he's upstairs. The piles of broken pieces. You used to pile them up there. There's another interruption. I'm afraid your uncle said you were dissatisfied with your filial piety. What can I do?"

The woman said, "He dares not mind my business. Don't talk about different clothes and different meals. When an official wrote a separate sheet, it was broken. I married my father and mother first, then myself. As the saying goes,"My sister-in-law doesn't know anything about me. My uncle doesn't care about me. Now I see days when I don't care about him. But if he farts, I teach the burglar to sit down." Don't dare to sleep to death. Don't worry, officer. He dares not provoke me.

Because he asked, "Your house. It will take some time to get it ready."

Simon Qing said, "Now I tell the craftsmen to build these three buildings for you. It's time to paint them. It's also the beginning of May."

The woman said, "My brother, you must be tight. Slaves will wait till then."

After that, the maid put on the wine. Two happy drinkers stayed overnight. Siemens celebrated since then. No three or five days. Neither need to elaborate.

Time is fast. Ximen Qing's house has been built for two months. There are three flower houses. The decoration will be finished. Only a few curtains have not yet been settled. One day. In May, the Binbin Festival. It is:

Mugwort is inserted in every door of the house. There are spiritual Charms hanging everywhere.

Li Ping-er has treated a drink. Please come to Ximen Qing. One is to solve the dumplings. They discuss the matter of crossing the door. On May 15, they invite monks to read the Sutra and burn the spirit. Then Ximen Qing chooses to marry a woman to cross the door. Ximen Qing asks Li Ping-er, "On the day when you burn the spirit, Hua Da, Hua San, Hua Si asks him not to invite him."

The woman said, "I have a post for each of you. Whether he comes or not."

Now the plan has been decided. On May 15th alone, the woman invited twelve monks of Baoen Temple to pray at home.

On that day, Simon Qing sealed three coins of human feelings. He celebrated his birthday with Count Ying. In the morning, he took five or two coins with Count Ying. He taught him to buy wine. In the evening, he took off his clothes with Li Pinger. But he taught him peace. The painter and his horse came to the Count's house about noon. On that day, the attendees thanked Xida. Congratulations. Sun Tianhua. Wu Tianen. Yun Lishou. Changshi Festival has ten friends who are new to Cardia. One of them is quite a few. He also calls two younger children to play and sing. He hands over the wine. When sitting down, Simon Qing called two younger children. The first one he recognized was Wu Yiner Brothers, named Wu Hui. The other one he did not recognize. He knelt down and said, "The younger brother of Zheng Aixianger is called Zheng Feng."

Simon Qing sat in the chair. Each person was rewarded two coins of silver. When he ate at Rixi, he saw the tortoise coming to Anama to pick it up. He whispered in Simon Qing's ear, "Two Niang invited Dad to go earlier."

Simon Qing gave him a look and went down. He was stopped by the Earl and asked, "Thieves and Dogs, come here and tell you the truth. If I don't tell you the truth, I twisted your little ears aside. You should have Dad's birthdays a year. You should bring a horse in half a day. Who brought you? Or the woman in your family made you come. Or There are eighteen sons inside. If you don't say it, you won't say it to your father in a hundred years. Marry a wife for your little bald dog.

Lian only said, "No one in the committee makes a small one. I'm afraid it's tight at night. Dad needs to get up early. Nama is coming to serve him."

At the count's bewilderment, he said, "You don't say it. I'll find out tomorrow. I'll settle with you, your little butterfly."

So he poured another minute of wine, took half a plate and ate with Liao An.

For a long time, Simon Qing came down to change his clothes. He asked Lian to ask him in a quiet place, "Who is the flower family coming today?"

Liang An said, "Huasan went to the countryside. Huasan's four houses were harmful. No one came. Only Huasan and Liangzi came. After a day's fasting meal, he went home first. Only his wife came. Erniang called to the room. He had twelve silver suits with him. Two suits of clothes. He knocked his head with Erniang."

Simon Qing said, "He didn't say anything."

Liao An said, "He didn't dare to say a word. He only said that the second wife would come tomorrow. He would come to his father's house for a walk in three days."

Simon Qing said, "He really said that."

"How dare a young man lie?" Lian said.

Simon Qing listened. He was full of joy. He asked again, "Never did the Zhai offering last."

He said, "The monk has already gone. The spiritual seat has been burned. Erniang said to invite Dad to come earlier."

Simon Qing said, "I see. Look at the horse everywhere."

The Count was walking outside. He didn't want to listen in the corridor. He gave a loud cry. He startled him. The Count scolded, "You don't tell me. I can't hear anything. Your fathers made good cocoons."

Simon Qing said, "A strange dog. Don't advocate it."

The count said, "You give me your permission. I won't say any more."

So he went to the table and said to everyone like this. He pulled Simon Qing and said, "Brother, you can be a man. If there is such a thing, hang up and don't talk to his brothers. That's to say something big. Brother just told us to say something. I'm not afraid he won't listen to him. If he dares to say nothing, we'll talk to him. He told us one by one what he had done to make friends. If he had an envoy, his brother would go in the fire. There was water in the water. Brothers are waiting for you. He just kept it secret.

Xie Xida took over and said, "If elder brother doesn't say it, Sister Li Guijie Wu Yiner, who we are advocating tomorrow, knows. Everyone is embarrassed."

Simon Qing laughed and said, "My congregation should know that all the relatives have come to an end."

Xie Xie Avenue: "Brother will marry his sister-in-law tomorrow. We go to Greece. Brother somehow calls four singers. Please have a wedding wine."

Simon Qing said, "This needn't be said. Brothers must be invited."

The congratulations read: "It's better to celebrate with my brother tomorrow than today. Let's have a glass of wine for my brother now. Let's celebrate first."

The countess was asked to drink wine. Xie Xida holds the pot. Congratulations on serving food. The rest knelt together. He also called the two younger sons to kneel. He sang a set of "13 tunes" and "Happy Lucky Day" for three or four minutes. Congratulations read, "Brother, we are invited to drink on that day. We should not lose Zheng Feng and Wu Hui."

Because it was decided, "You two go for good or ill."

Zheng Feng hid his mouth and said, "The younger ones must serve."

After serving the wine, they all returned to their seats and took another meal. Look at the evening. Naxi Menqing sat there. He got up and left by mistake. At the count's turn, he stopped at the door. Xie Xie Avenue said, "You should let your brother go. Don't miss his business. Teach your sister-in-law to see what's wrong."

The Ximen Qing got on his horse and went on until he reached Lion Street. Li Ping-er took off the piety bun and changed into a gorgeous dress. The hall was ablaze with lights. A neat table was prepared. There was a chair on it alone. Let Ximen Qing sit on it. The maid held the pot. Li Ping-er poured a glass full of wine and handed it up. He knocked four heads and said, "Today Lingji is here." Burned. The monarch officials did not abandon it. The slave family had to rejoice in it so as to fulfill their wish to fly.

After the ceremony, Simon Qing sat down and returned a cup to the lady. Before she sat down, she asked, "What did the big couple say today?"

Li Ping-er said, "After Lunchai, he asked him to enter the room. He talked about the relatives of the officials. He said nothing but gossip about the next three days. He taught his mother to come and walk in our house. The slave and his twelve silver pieces. Two suits of clothes. If they were happy, they would not go out. Thank you and thank you again."

Simon Qing said, "It's not bad for me to let him walk around. But there's a little gossip. I won't spare him."

Li Ping-er said, "If he is hot and hot, slaves will not let him go."

The silver-inlaid bell is full of southern wine. Xiuchun pours it. Li Ping Er eats a few drinks with him. It's really a few drinks. Liquor is in many circumstances. Li Ping Er is getting happier because he's living near the door. He laughs more than usual. He asks Ximen to celebrate: "Just now you're eating at home. Lian's coming to invite you. Nobody knows about it over there."

Simon Qing said, "I was guessed by Yinghuazi again. He forced Sir Le to say a few words. He mixed up a scene. My brothers would congratulate me, sing, host me, and help me with a few drinks. I went out after a mistake and stopped. I said good or bad. Let me go."

Li Ping-er said, "They let you go. It's funny."

Simon Qing watched him drunk and mad. His eyes were attached. For a moment, he couldn't help being confused. Two mouths spit cloves. His face is close to the apricot. Li Ping-er held Simon Qing in his arms and cried, "My dear brother, you really want to marry me. But you can get along earlier. You are inconvenient. Don't let me hang around here day and night."

Turn around and stir it up. The truth is: strong feeling, compact chest, gentle arms and light cage. Tired of taking photos of the silver cylinder.
